Media Statement From the Northern Cape Provincial Government to the Community of Kimberley

It has come to the attention of the Northern Cape Provincial Government that there will be a city-wide shut-down of services in the Kimberley on Thursday, 26 July 2018.

In upholding the right of the community to engage in a peaceful protest, we are aware that access to essential government services provided by clinics, hospitals, schools, the law enforcement agencies, etc. will not be affected.  As a pro-active measure the Provincial Government has established a Support Centre should members of the community require help or advice during the shut-down.

Members of the community are however urged not to infringe on the basic constitutional rights of others during the period of the planned shut-down.
As the Provincial Government we remain hopeful that amicable and lasting solutions will be found to the current challenges that beset the community of the Kimberley.


Enquiries: Mr Monwabisi Nkompela
Head of Government Communications
Cell: 071 109 2776
