The Department of Economic Development and Tourism has been identified as the lead department for the implementation of Outcome 4 & 6 and supports the implementation of Outcome 5, 7 and 10. The implementation of the aforementioned outcomes will contribute towards the achievement of the National Development Plan.
Outcome 4
Government adopted the new medium-term strategic framework (MTSF) in August 2014. The MTSF has 14 Outcomes and the Department of Economic Development and Tourism is responsible for Outcome 4 (decent employment through inclusive economic growth) which has 10 sub-outcomes. During the recent strategic planning session, the following provincial actions were identified under each sub-outcome:
Sub-outcome 1: Productive Investment in effectively crowded in through the infrastructure build programme
- Set baseline for local procurement in terms of the infrastructure build programme specific to the Northern Cape.
- Inform the Provincial PICC of the baselines for local procurement and targets of the Province.
- Strengthen relationships between the Department of Economic Development and the Office of the Premier to ensure that local procurement is supported.
- Tourism Product Development in niche markets and rural areas
- Local Economic Development, red tape reduction and the implementation of the Provincial Spatial Development Framework and Provincial Growth and Development Plan
- Alignment of National Economic Strategy to Provincial needs.
- Coordinate implementation of provincially aligned policies and strategies through Outcomes, Cluster and DEDaT forums.
- Support the Industrial Cluster Development of the Kimberley diamond Hub and SEZ Kimberley Airport Development by promoting investment.
- Monitoring of provincial beneficiaries (SMME's, Cooperatives, communities, investment trusts, and vulnerable groups).
Sub-outcome 2: The productive Sectors account for a growing share of production and employment
- Alignment with the annual IPAP review.
- Promote creative industries as identified in the IPAP through Tourism Information distribution and Rural Development.
- Implementation of the pillars of the Manufacturing Strategy, resourcing and implementation of Renewable Energy Strategy.
- Provide support to Textile, Metals, Agro Processing, Mineral beneficiation and Green Industries (Renewable Energies).
- Promote Agri Tourism through Route development.
- Support the implementation of the APAP pillars and align provincial actions with annual APAP review.
- Support Ocean Economies through Operation Phakisa in Wines, Fruit and Vegetables, Red Meat, Small-Scale Fisheries.
- Alignment/Provincialisation of the Mineral Beneficiation Strategy and 10 point plan for the mining sector.
- Provide inputs in the review of the National Mining Sector Strategy.
- Develop and implement Precious and Semi-Precious metals beneficiation strategy.
- Focus on Social Labour Plans and PMPI implementation and provincialisation.
- Implementation and monitoring of Tourism Master Plan , NC Tourism Entity Act 2008, NTSS, Rural Development strategy and Heritage Tourism Strategy.
- Identify destressed mining town and prioritize, plan and resource via national funding applications and Social Labour Plans and address lack of resources.
- Revitalisation of mining towns through extended mining exploration development of other industries.
- Exploration of economically viable shale gas energy.
- Impact review on the sector in terms of the departmental research agenda.
- LED planning inclusion and stakeholder coordination.
- Develop a provincial sector specific empowerment compliance database and analyse trade flows against national economic goals.
Sub-outcome 3: The elimination of unnecessary regulatory burdens and lower price increases for key inputs and wage goods fosters business confidence, reduces costs for working people and producers, and sustain investment and economic growth
- Regular meetings of NC Gambling and Liquor Boards with their respective industry stakeholders to identify blockages to growth, social investment and employment creation.
- Conduct consultative with Tourism Stakeholders to identify barriers.
- Regular meeting with National Economic Development Department, dti and SMME department to share projects information and blockages.
- Participation in government structures to advance investment promotion.
- Identify market abuse through analysis of consumer complaints and propose interventions.
- Engage in joint social responsibility programmes to address the social ills related to liquor, gambling and consumer exploitation.
Sub-outcome 4: Workers education and skills increasingly meet economic needs
- Implementation Forum for Outcome 4 and 6 to identify skills requirement for provincial economy.
- Support the Provincial Skills Development Forum with analysis and information.
- Conduct a skills gap analysis to identify industry specific skills needed in the Province.
- Enhance skills development in the Tourism Industry of the Province.
- Skills Development specific to needs SMMEs (Business Management, Financial Management and Marketing Management).
Sub-outcome 5: Spatial imbalances in economic opportunities are addressed through employment in agriculture, the build programme and densification in the metros
- RaLED planning and support, provide business support and access to finance.
- Ensure alignment of DEDaT township revitalisation programme to the National intervention on the improvement of social and economic conditions of towns.
- Monitoring and evaluation of set initiatives.
Sub-outcome 6: Macroeconomic conditions support employment –creating growth
- Advise municipalities on red tape reduction to attract investment
Sub-outcome 7: Workplace conflict is reduced and collaboration between government, organised business and organised labour improves
- National competency of the Department of Labour
Sub-outcome 8: Economic opportunities for historically excluded and vulnerable groups are expanded and the growth in small business and cooperatives is improved markedly
- Ensure that licence & trading conditions provide economic opportunities for historically excluded and vulnerable groups.
- Ensure economic opportunities for identified tourism enterprises: Access to Funding, Marketing, Awareness and development.
- Implementation of SMME, Co-ops and Incubation strategies and skills development.
- Implementation of KIDJA Incubation strategy.
- Monitoring of provincial beneficiaries (SMME's, Cooperatives, communities, investment trusts, and vulnerable groups).
Sub-outcome 9: Public employment schemes provide short term relief for the unemployed and build community solidarity and agency
- Rural Tourism Product Development - Facilitation of project management.
- Implement projects as per DORA.
- Monitoring of provincial beneficiaries (SMME's, Cooperatives, communities, investment trusts, and vulnerable groups).
- Establish partnerships in establishment of Clusters.
Sub-outcome 10: Investment in research, development and innovation support inclusive growth by enhancing productivity of existing and emerging enterprises and supporting the development of new industries
- Monitor the performance of the NGP job drivers
- Establishment of provincial Innovation Forum in terms of DST regional model, inputs and coordination to the National Economic Research Advisory Network (ERAN) coordinated by the dti.
- Contribute to setting the provincial research agenda through the Provincial Research Forum.
- Strengthening partnerships with SPU, VUT, and SKA through MOU/MOA for joint research.
- Establish and strengthen partnerships between industry and government.
- Implementation of the NCISS and support the implementation of NCRES.
- Conceptualisation of NC Space science economy framework.
Outcome 5
Outcome 5 “A skilled and capable workforce to support an inclusive growth path”, is one of the of the government outcomes being led by the Department of Higher Education and Training (DHET).
Government has committed itself through the NDP 2030 that South Africans should have access to education and training of the highest quality, leading to significantly improved learning outcomes. To achieve this vision, a number of outputs were identified and that include the increased access and success in programmes leading to intermediate and high level learning.
This Outcome also contributes to the implementation of Outcome 4, under sub-outcome 5 “workers’ education and skills increasingly meet economic needs”. Currently, there are eight (8) indicators under this sub-outcome and DEDaT is responsible for reporting on five (5) of these.
Outcome 6
As per the recent EXCO resolution, the department was mandated with the coordination and reporting of outcome 6 “An efficient, competitive and responsive economic infrastructure network”. Outcome 6 of the MTSF is formulated to achieve the objectives as set out in Chapter 4 of the NDP: Economic infrastructure – the foundation of social and economic development. The Province has shown some progress in the following Strategic Integrated Projects which are relevant to this outcome:
- SIP 3: South Eastern node &corridor development
- Manganese Mining Development
- Manganese Sinter Plant
- Manganese Rail Line Upgrade
- SIP 5: Saldanha – Northern Cape Development Corridor
- Iron Ore Rail Line Upgrade
- Iron Ore Mining Development
- Ibubhesi Gasfield
- Vaal-Gamagara Pipeline
- Kathu Supplier Park
- SIP 8: Green Energy
- SIP 11: Agri-logistics and rural infrastructure
- SIP 14 :Higher Education
- SIP 15: Expanding access to communication technology
- Pixley Ka Seme Phase 1; roll out of the broadband
- SIP 16: Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and Meerkat
- SKA science visitor centre
- SIP 18 : Water and sanitation infrastructure
Outcome 7
Outcome 7 “comprehensive Rural Development and Land Reform”, is coordinated by the Department of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development (DALRRD). As a department we support the actions relating to development and support of rural cooperatives.
Outcome 10
The NDP’s 2030 vision is that South Africa’s transition to an environmentally sustainable, climate-change resilient, low-carbon economy and just society will be well under way. The plan expects to achieve this vision by implementing this outcome in 3 phases, with the first focusing on planning, piloting and investing in the creation of a framework for implementing the transition to an environmentally sustainable and low-carbon economy. Outcome 10 “protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources”, also links to the implementation of Outcome 4. The Department of Environment, Nature and Conservation (DENC) is the coordinating department for this outcome.