Integrated Economic Development Services


To promote economic and small business development through shared partnerships.


1. To develop and support business enterprises.                           
2. To facilitate the process of empowerment and creation of an enabling business environment for HDI 's.                         
3. To manage the implementation of heritage projects to generate economic spin-offs for the Northern Cape.                            
4. Develop and implement the provincial SMME Strategy.
5. Facilitate co-ordination and alignment of SMME support.
6. Develop and maintain a database of SMME's in the Northern Cape.

It is made up of the following sub-programmes:


Mr. Darryl Christian
Office of the Chief Executive: Sub Programme
053 802 1646
PA: Ms. .Michelle Smith
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Contact Details

Postal: Private Bag X6108, Kimberley, 8300
Physical: Metlife Towers, 13th Floor, Cnr Stead & Knight Streets, Kimberley, 8301
Tel: 053 839 4000
Fax: 053 831 3668

Republic of South Africa

