This year marks the 44th year since the establishment of Henrietta Stockdale Nursing College, which was amalgamated from two (2) diverse colleges into one institution in 1980. In celebrating excellence in education and training of the nursing cadres, the Henrietta Stockdale Nursing College today executed an exciting and well organised graduation ceremony for 75 nurses at City of Hope Church in Kimberley.This occasion is a culmination of many hours of hard work, sacrifice and resilience that our diplomats put into achieving this giant milestone, by being conferred their Diploma’s in Nursing (General, Psychiatry and Community) and Midwifery.
Furthermore, five (5) diplomats were acknowledged additionally for achievements related to academic performance, perseverance, academic progress and professional development. These categories were:
1. Betty Gaetsewe Floating Trophy for the student with the highest overall marks in practical examinations.
2. Burger Fuentes Trophy for the highest marks in all four disciplines of study.
3. Father Anatole Hidien Floating Trophy for the student who showed dedication, perseverance, and commitment to succeed in their studies.
4. Charlotte Searle Academic Growth Floating Trophy to the student who demonstrated consistent academic progress throughout the four years of study and;
5. Henrietta Stockdale Floating Trophy which is awarded to the candidale who reached the highest level of professional maturity during the course for the Diploma in Nursing (General, Psychiatry, Community) and Midwifery.
MEC Lekwene during his remarks expressed the department’s unwavering commitment to the following objectives:
- Institutionalising the progress made in the integration of all nursing education institutions into the post-school education system.
- Ensuring that the post-school education system is adequately staffed with the necessary number of nurses in the relevant categories to achieve optimal nursing capabilities.
- Fostering a culture of clinical governance, and fostering an organisational culture that is conducive to safe patient care.