We provide the following Services to our clients;
- Payments to suppliers within 30 days of receipt of invoice and valid documentation
- Registration of suppliers within 5 working days after receipt of complete registration documentation.
- Facilitate Business plan development and appraisals - Feedback within 30 working days
- Facilitate new business registrations - Referral letter to a registration institution issued within 1 working day.
- Facilitate access to finance - Feedback on financial application provided within 2 months after receipt of application.
- Facilitate business skills development - Business skills development provided to SMMEs quarterly.
- Export readiness assessments - Feedback on the outcome of the assessment provided within 2 working days
- Investor facilitation and attraction - Monthly consultation with investors and funders
- Protection of consumer rights - Cases resolved within 90 days of receipt.
- Economic policy advisory services and alignment of DGDS and IDPs - Value adding economic policy advisory services
- ICT skills development for SMME’s - Accredited industry related ICT skills development
- Tourist guides registration within 30 working days
- Tourism skills development - Accredited training which is endorsed by the tourism enterprise partnership
- Advice on grading of tourism establishments - Enquiries responded to within 7 working days
- Tourism experience and support municipalities and communities - Sound advice provided within 7 working days and assessment within 90 working days
Size : 108.64 kb
Hits : 920
Date added : 2018-05-21 12:12:21
Date modified : 2018-05-21 12:12:21
Contact Details
Ms. M. Barlow
Corporate Service
053 839 4075
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