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Vision & Mission

A radically transformed economy in the Northern Cape.
VISION 2017/18
Accelerating the economic growth and development of the Northern Cape Province through diversification, empowerment, employment, business creation and sustainable development.
MISSION 2017/18

Tourism Safety

Report Tourism Incidents

Report Illegal Tourist Guiding

Report Illegal Activity

Trade, Exports & Investment

The Department of Economic Development and Tourism (DEDaT) is working together with The Department of Trade, Investment and Competition (the dtic) to provide you access to export opportunities. If you are interested in accessing the trade leads bulletins please complete the subscription form or Login.

Trade Leads Bulletin

Contact Details

Postal: Private Bag X6108, Kimberley, 8300
Physical: Metlife Towers, 13th Floor, Cnr Stead & Knight Streets, Kimberley, 8301
Tel: 053 839 4000
Fax: 053 831 3668

Republic of South Africa

