Service Delivery Charter


In the delivery of our mandate we commit to observe all the Batho Pele Principles in the following way;

We will;

  • Serve our clients promptly and courteously
  • Provide a friendly and helpful service
  • Help our clients to make the right choice in accessing our services
  • Wear name tags while on duty for easy identification to our clients
  • Answer telephone calls within 5 rings-excluding lunch time(13:00 – 13:30)
  •   Where a telephone is not answered within five rings a caller is diverted to another person or the switchboard to leave a message
  • Treat all our clients and the general public with respect
  • Keep clients Information confidential
  • Empty suggestion boxes and attended to complaints every morning (working days)


We provide the following Services to our clients;

  1. Payments to suppliers within 30 days of receipt of invoice and  valid documentation
  2. Registration of suppliers within 5 working days after receipt of complete registration documentation.
  3. Facilitate Business plan development and appraisals -  Feedback within 30 working days
  4. Facilitate new business registrations - Referral letter to a registration institution issued within 1 working day.
  5. Facilitate access to finance -   Feedback on financial application provided within 2 months after receipt of application.
  6. Facilitate business skills development - Business skills development provided to SMMEs quarterly.
  7. Export readiness assessments - Feedback on the outcome of the assessment provided within 2 working days
  8. Investor facilitation and attraction - Monthly consultation with investors and funders
  9. Protection of consumer rights - Cases resolved within 90 days of receipt.
  10. Economic policy advisory services and alignment of DGDS and IDPs - Value adding economic policy advisory services
  11. ICT skills development for SMME’s - Accredited industry related ICT skills development
  12. Tourist guides registration within 30 working days
  13. Tourism skills development - Accredited training which is endorsed by the tourism enterprise partnership
  14. Advice on grading of tourism establishments - Enquiries  responded to within 7 working days
  15. Tourism experience and support municipalities and communities - Sound advice provided within 7 working days and assessment within 90 working days


Departmental Services are rendered to all our clients for free except for the following services;

  • Tourist guiding fees as per the NC Tourism Act, 2008
  • Liquor licence fees as per Northern Cape Liquor Act, 2008(amendment of the Act 2010)
  • Gambling licence fees as per the Northern Cape Gambling Act, 2008(amendment of the Act 2010)

Our Clients can access our services at the following buildings:

Metlife Towers

Corner Knight and Stead streets


Khaya la Bantu Building

2 Cecil Sussman Street


Kimberley Diamond and Jewellery Centre

25 Villiers Street


Umzimkulu  Building

Corner Elliot & Kelvin Streets


Contact details

Switchboard: 053 839 4000

Office of the HOD:  053 839 4002


If our clients are not happy with our services they must contact us on the following details;

Contact details

  • Office of Executive Manager:

- Administration :                                         : 053 839 4020
- Small Business Development                    : 053 802 1646
- Trade and Sector Development                : 053 830 4899
- Business Regulation and Governance      : 053 839 4019/ 053 839 4028
- Policy, Research and Innovation               : 053 830 4823
- Tourism                                                     : 053 830 4895

  • Office of the HOD                                   : 053 839 4002
  • Office of the MEC                                   : 053 830 8401
  • Office of the Premier                              : 053 838 2600
  • Presidential Hotline                                : 17737


Make use of suggestion boxes placed at the above mentioned addresses

Managing Complaints

The following will unfold after a complaint is received from our clients;

  • A written acknowledgement will be sent to the client indicating the reference number and contact details of the person in charge of investigation into a complaint within 24 hours after receipt.
  • Confidentiality of the complainants will be respected at all times to prevent possible intimidation and victimisation.
  • A verbal progress report will be provided to the client every 2 weeks of the investigation
  • A written progress report will be provided to the client once a month.
  • The client is entitled to at any given time during working hours contact the investigator for progress
  • Complaints will be resolved within 60 working days from the date of receipt.
  • The client will be furnished with a letter indicating the outcome of the complaint within 7 working days  after the complaint is resolved( after the 60 working days expired)
  • Complaints will be reviewed and evaluated every 3 months after being resolved to ensure that they do not recur and service delivery is improved.

If the complaint is not resolved within 60 working days, a comprehensive report stating the reasons for not resolving the complaint will be provided to the client with new dates.


Service Charter DEDaT 2016

Size : 128.35 kb
Hits : 1311
Date added : 2017-06-07 11:31:04
Date modified : 2017-06-07 11:31:04

Contact Details
Name Surname
Unit : Rank
Tel Number
Email Address


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Contact Details

Postal: Private Bag X6108, Kimberley, 8300
Physical: Metlife Towers, 13th Floor, Cnr Stead & Knight Streets, Kimberley, 8301
Tel: 053 839 4000
Fax: 053 831 3668

Republic of South Africa

