- Programme Director
- Fellow Citizens of the Northern Cape
- Ladies and Gentlemen of the Media
Good Morning
I am pleased to join you on this glorious winter morning, as we conclude our democratic transition to a new Provincial Administration following the fifth national general elections.
I am mindful that there is great anticipation, maybe anxiety, or a mixture of both regarding the impending announcement of members of the Provincial Executive. Ladies and Gentlemen, I am aware that all of you are waiting with bated breath to hear who our MEC’s will be.
Together with the new Provincial Executive we will, over the next five years, continue to;
- Pay urgent attention to the empowerment of women and youth. As government, we remain committed towards supporting women and young people who aspire to be businessmen and women of tomorrow. The more entrepreneurs we create the better, because we will be opening up more opportunities for job creation;
- We will strengthen and promote the capacity of all our municipalities so that they respond in a meaningful manner to the basic needs of our people at a local government level;
- We will also encourage all young people to empower themselves by acquiring skills demanded by the labour market. It is a significant milestone to expand knowledge and skills. In this regard the new Sol Plaatje University is expected to play a critical role;
- To grow and develop the economic potential of the Province. If we look at our provincial economy, there are opportunities in key economic sectors, namely, agriculture manufacturing and beneficiation; tourism and cultural industries, and mining and energy, including the green economy;
- To empower local businesses especially in the mining sector through the active implementation of the Mining Procurement Charter;
- To provide job opportunities and transfer valuable skills to our people through the Expanded Public Works Programme.
It is therefore my pleasure this morning to announce members of the Provincial Executive who have been tasked with improving and implementing our progressive policies and programmes.
Ladies and Gentlemen, we will, amongst others be guided by the provisions of the five year Medium Term Strategic Framework as it relates to our province, which has been developed using the ANC Manifesto and the National Development Plan.
As a collective, it was not easy to make our final choice of MEC’s. In view of the many fine women and men we have within the Province. Be that as it may in the end we identified highly capable men and women with impeccable credentials to politically manage and lead the respective portfolios for the benefit of all the people of the Province.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the citizens of the Northern Cape, it is now my honour and pleasure to announce the Members of the Provincial Executive:
- Department of Social Development - Mr. MS Sokatsha
- Department of Education - Ms. GB Gcjikela-Lecholo
- Department of Health - Mr. MN Jack
- Department of Infrastructure & Public Works - Mr. D Rooi
- Department of Sports, Arts and Culture - Mr. LJ Motlhaping
- Department of Transport, Safety & Liaison - Ms. M Bartlett
- Department of Agriculture - Mr. GNJ Shushu
- Department of Finance, Economic Development & Tourism - Mr. JF Block
- Department of Environment and Nature Conservation - Ms. CMT Chotelo
- Department of Cooperative Governance - Mr. A Botes
I am of the considered opinion, based on their individual abilities and strengths, that the MEC’s who I just announced will make the Northern Cape proud.
Moreover, Ladies and Gentlemen, we have three of our very own who have been appointed to President Zuma’s National Cabinet, namely:
- Tina Joemat Petterson as Minister of Energy;
- Dipuo Peters as Minister of Transport; and
- Godfrey Oliphant as Deputy Minister of Mineral and Resources
We also congratulate Mr Papi Tau who has been elected the Deputy Chairperson of the NCOP. It is encouraging indeed that the country recognises that individuals from the smallest province in terms of its population, has been selected to propel our country forward. Kindly join me, Ladies and Gentlemen in giving these cadres from our province a hearty round of applause.
Once again, congratulations to all the newly appointed MEC’s. Hard work lies ahead. It is time to roll up our sleeves, and hit the ground running. We have no option and we dare not fail.
God bless you all!
God bless the Northern Cape
I thank you!