Members of the Executive Council
Members of the Media
As the Northern Cape Provincial Government we welcome the decision by the President, Mr Cyril Ramaphosa, by declaring a national disaster in terms of the Disaster Management Act to intensify the fight against the spread of the Coronavirus COVID-19. This means that Government is undertaking extraordinary measures to combat the spread and impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 in our country. This declaration allows us as Government at all spheres to have an integrated and coordinated response to deal with the spread of the virus. It sets into motion our disaster management mechanism that will focus on preventing and reducing the outbreak of the virus. We will also be able to set up emergency, rapid and effective response systems to mitigate the severity of the impact of the virus.
As a Province we appreciate the work that has been done by National Government, working with Provinces since the outbreak of the Coronavirus COVID-19 in December last year in Wuhan, China. Government has developed an Integrated National Response Plan to combat the spread and impact of Coronavirus COVID-19. It sets out additional measures to safeguard everyone in the country and calls on all sectors of society to work together in overcoming the virus.
Our response to the virus has at all times been in line with the World Health Organisation (WHO) guidelines which include:
- Enhanced emergency response mechanisms;
- Active case finding, contact tracing and monitoring; quarantine of contacts and isolation of cases;
- The promotion of self-initiated isolation of people with mild respiratory symptoms to reduce the burden on the health system;
- Preparing for a surge in health care facility needs, including respiratory support; and
- Implementing Coronavirus COVID-19 surveillance using existing respiratory disease surveillance systems and hospital based surveillance.
We are also confident that the measures being implemented by Government to screen visitors entering our country, to contain the spread of the Coronavirus COVID – 19 and to treat those infected are good for preventing the spread of this virus.
Currently there are about 116 confirmed cases of people infected with the virus in the country. So far 17 people have been tested for the Coronavirus COVID-19 in the Province and there are no confirmed cases of persons that have tested positive for the virus in the Province.
In order to coordinate and integrate our approach to contain the spread of the virus and in line with the decision taken by the President, we have established a Provincial Command Council chaired by the Premier, comprising all MECs and other institutions of government. The Provincial Joint Operation Centre has also been activated to be chaired by the Director General and led by the Health Department. District Joint Operation Centres are being established to be chaired by the District Mayors. The work of the District Joint Operation Centre will be reported to the Provincial Joint Operation Centre and overseen by the various MECs that have been deployed to the Districts as part of the District Development Model.
Within the context of Presidential guidelines to limit social gatherings to a maximum of 100 people, we are working closely with our municipalities to establish firm and enforceable guidelines to this end. As Government we have already cancelled the National Human Rights Day event, our Local Government Summit, Infrastructure Summit as well as social and community dialogues. We are also limiting non-essential domestic travel.
The public service is the largest employer in the Northern Cape and supports the national drive in combating the Coronavirus COVID-19. In doing so, all departments will conduct a risk assessment to identify the risk of an outbreak as well as revise existing health and safety provisions in the Department. Departmental steering committees have been established to develop guidelines, action plans and protocols to manage any confirmed cases of Coronavirus COVID-19.
The Department has established a multi-sectoral Provincial Outbreak Response Team (PORT) and 5 District Outbreak Response Teams (DORTs). In addition to this, we have an emergency operations centre to support our districts and health facilities, situated at the James Exum building in Kimberley.
The department has identified 500 contact tracers whose task it is to trace anyone who came in contact with a known Coronavirus COVID-19 patient that will be supported by Provincial Joint Operational and Intelligence Structure (PROVJOINT).
There are 30 designated health facilities in the province, which can be found on the provincial government website. These designated facilities provide a capacity of 630 beds available to admit persons under investigation for Coronavirus COVID-19. We encourage people that present with symptoms to call our free hotline number 08000 299 99 or to make contact via the WhatsApp line 0600 123 456 for guidance on the course of action.
We have identified additional buildings that can be used to accommodate quarantined patients, if the need arises.
Health awareness campaigns on hand washing, cough etiquette and maintaining social distance with particular emphasis on Coronavirus COVID-19 are well underway. There is a specific focus at taxi ranks, mines, the religious sector, the business sector, the agricultural sector, government departments and the hospitality industry.
Access to all our care facilities will be strictly monitored and all protocols will be in place to ensure hygiene and non-contamination of food and surfaces.
Old age homes and other care facilities are mostly NPO's and we are ensuring that they adhere to all hygiene protocols. The Department will continue to provide psycho social and other services required. Staff are provided with the hygiene and protective material and services will not be compromised.
Our Home and Community Based Care Facilities will remain operational to specifically serve older persons.
The Department of Correctional Services has suspended offender visits for a period of 30 days, in order to put in place preventative and mitigating measures against the spread of Coronavirus COVID-19.
We are fast-tracking the procurement of additional Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as well as ventilators and respirators to assist those patients who display critical symptoms.
Training programmes are being provided to health workers and support staff in health facilities.
Contact tracers will be working closely with SAPS in order to enforce the regulations on the examination, treatment and quarantining of people who have been in contact with COVID-19 patients. It is important that anyone who is COVID-19 positive be traced and appropriately tested and treated
According to law, no person with the Coronavirus COVID-19, confirmed or suspected, may refuse medical examination, preventative treatment, isolation or quarantine.
All schools have closed yesterday and will re-open on the 14th April 2020, unless determined differently. To compensate for the lost days, the June school holidays will be shortened by 7 days and September holidays by 3 days.
Similarly all Early Childhood Development Centres have closed yesterday and will also re-open 14th April 2020 unless advised differently.
Schools are encouraged to issue food parcels using the additional National School Nutrition Programme (NSNP) stock to distribute to the most vulnerable learners. Our District offices will ensure that each school has a practical and comprehensive catch up plan to be implemented as soon as schools reopen. Most schools gave learners work that they can do at home with the supervision of parents.
Social Development
All our Food Provision Points such as soup kitchens will be closed for the period 18th to 25th March 2020, to allow for the procurement of protective items prior to the commencement of services on the 25th March 2020. The service will take the form of a “take away” and no seated feeding will apply. All Youth Service Centre’s will be closed until the 15th April 2020, where after further communication will be made based on the assessment of conditions at the time.
Payday for social grants is approaching and SASSA has a contingency plan that adheres to the Coronavirus COVID-19 protocol. An example is a 1meter sitting distance during the payments of grants and controlling access to the SASSA offices.
In line with the directive of the Minister for Water and Sanitation, to increase the provision of water and sanitation services in high density public areas, informal settlements and rural areas; Government is identifying hotspots across the Province in order to mitigate the health ramifications of Coronavirus COVID-19. Those areas are to be provided with water tanks and stand pipes, to increase access to water for residents.
In containing the spread of the virus, the Department of Water and Sanitation is currently engaged in the process of procuring 265 storage tanks , 12 water trucks , 5000 sanitizers, 5000 bottles of bleaching agent and 5000 bars of soaps, which are to be distributed to high density informal areas in the Province.
A great risk has been identified in the public transport sector and we are engaging with all taxi organisations and public transport entities to encourage proper and effective hygiene measures. Engagements with all sectors such as business, organised agriculture, and organised labour will be embarked upon as a matter of urgency.
We are taking decisive measures to protect the economy against the impact of the Coronavirus COVID-19. National Cabinet is in the process of finalising a comprehensive package of interventions to mitigate the expected impact of Coronavirus COVID-19 on the economy. It will consist of fiscal and support measures to help our economy overcome the potentially severe impact on production, the viability of businesses, job retention and job creation.
The declaration of a national state of disaster sets the legal framework to release available resources of the national government such as equipment, vehicles and facilities. All Departments and stakeholders in our Province will therefore avail vehicles including resources when required to mitigate all transport issues.
The agricultural sector plays an important role in the economy of the Northern Cape. So far, engagements have taken place between the MEC, the National Minister of Agriculture, agricultural sector, organised agriculture and agri-business to see how best the situation can be controlled.
We are approaching the end of the harvesting season, which means that there is going to be a reduction of labour in farms. Most farm workers will be heading back home.
In the meantime, together with our stakeholders, we will ensure that issues of hygiene take centre stage. Farmers will be encouraged to provide hand sanitation products to their employees, to provide clean water and to keep the working areas as well accommodation facilities as safe and hygienic as possible.
We will roll out a public education programme aimed at raising awareness and encouraging behavioural change and we call on you as members of the media to partner with Government in our quest to firstly, allay fears about the pandemic and secondly, to ensure that all information about the Coronavirus Covid-2019 is credible and accurate. The publishing of unverified, incorrect information with the specific aim of invoking sensationalism and creating panic undermines all our efforts in our quest to mitigate and contain the effects of the virus and is prohibited by law.
The pandemic is serious and should be treated as such and therefore we are calling on business, civil society, healthcare practitioners and communities to rally behind the #TogetherWeCan Campaign of the Province to truly show that Ubuntu is embodied in each and every citizen of the Province. The campaign has at its core the collection and donation of hygiene products, non-perishable foodstuff to be distributed amongst the neediest and the most vulnerable members in our communities. For now these can be dropped at your nearest municipality.
In exercising the necessary caution and vigilance regarding the spread/containment of the virus, we urge the people of the Northern Cape not to engage in bulk buying and hoarding of essential goods especially food stuffs and cleaning material. In this challenging period, we call on you to tangibly display your selflessness and deep sense of humanity for the common good.
We have overcome many difficulties as a province and as a nation and I am certain that with a united, concerted and determined effort, we will resume our normal life in a short space of time.
Remember, we are in this together, each and every one of us!