The Northern Cape Provincial Government today launched the Northern Cape Construction Company(NCCC). The state owned company was announced by the Premier, Dr. Zamani Saul during the State of the Province address in 2019.
The key objective of the NCCC will be to assist Provincial Government to deal with the triple challenges of Poverty, Inequality, and employment in our Province.
In the main Government aims to do this through skills development, the NCCC will be an incubator for skills development, especially amongst the youth, it will be an incubator for small businesses as well as accelerate the roll-out of the government's infrastructure projects.
In his address to the 50 learners who will be part of the first phase of the project, Premier Saul encouraged the young people to become exemplary ambassadors for the company. The learners will go through a one month training program which consists of pothole repairing amongst others.
We are confident as Provincial Government, that this company will assist in the growth of this company.
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