Modern, Growing, Successful Province

Maloof Money Cup Activities

09 October 2010

As the Provincial Government, we are extremely privileged and delighted to be afforded the opportunity to host an event of such a global stature, namely the Maloof Money Cup Skateboarding Competition next year 2011.

We are proud and feel greatly honoured to be the preferred site of major sporting events that will take place over the next few years. Our Province has also been selected as a preferred destination to host the blood hound Project, an attempt to break the World Record of the fastest land speed car.

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We must use the preparations for these competitions and sporting activities as well as their legacy to popularise sports. We need to get as many young people as possible involved in these projects

It is evident that we have succeeded to position the Northern Cape as the Premier destination of extreme sports. The hosting of a world-class skateboarding event immediately after the successful hosting of the World Cup will really put the Northern Cape and Kimberley firmly on the map as a premier destination for outdoor sporting events and activities.

The impact of this event will be experienced globally for many years to come. In my view, the generations to come will look upon the groundbreaking work we have done in appreciation.

In South Africa tourism is one of the fastest growing sectors of the country's economy. South Africa's scenic beauty, magnificent outdoors, sunny climate, cultural diversity and reputation for delivering value for money all contributed to make it one of the world's fastest growing travel destinations.

The outlook for the industry looks extremely positive, particularly with the exposure that South Africa had received during the 2010 FIFA World Cup, let alone the accompanying massive upgrades to infrastructure; not to mention the sports infrastructure.

The 2011 Maloof Skateboard Competition is upon us and in the next few months we shall intensify our preparation for this event, which offers us massive opportunities to market South Africa internationally.

Sport has always been an important part of society, but with the global emergence of sports tourism it has also become an increasingly important part of the economy.

Based on the proven economic benefits and impact that sport has delivered to a number of countries, our observation is that governments worldwide and the private sector have become increasingly supportive of further investment in sport as an industry. We thus call on the private sector not to tire but to be an active participant in this magnificent project

Programme Director, our government’s main focus was on finding and developing new talent as well as focusing on the recreational aspect of sports, which had been neglected for too long.

The mass participation awareness programme that we are witnessing here today is geared towards increasing the number of participants in sport especially skateboarding.

We have a deliberate plan of bringing sporting events into the country as well as building sporting relationships with other countries.

Above all, the focus on the youth agenda assumes particular importance for the entire Province. Our enduring legacy resides with the empowerment of our youth, of putting in place the enabling environment for them to grasp opportunities and to overcome the challenges and risks.

We concur with the view that skateboarding is a positive, healthy and affordable activity for kids to participate in and we’re excited to take the skateboarding competition to all our young people throughout the country.

As we all know, young people experience many new opportunities, passions and interests in their life. And it is important not to allow sports to be eclipsed by other interests. Clearly, physical fitness and an active lifestyle must be woven into the daily lives of young South Africans.

Young people are the most responsive group in South Africa, the one that is always willing to support new and original projects, even ones that are quite demanding. Our approach to advancing competitive sports and promoting recreational sports must therefore be modern, effective and even attention-grabbing in a sense.

We now take this opportunity to call on our youth to take up the sports of skateboarding, an affordable and accessible activity. This sporting activity will bring long lasting benefits to our youth including the improvement of sporting facilities.

May I again express our sincere appreciation to the Maloof Family and Organising Team for the confidence that they have expressed in our ability to host the International Skateboard Competition.

We wish to assure them that we will live up to their expectations and will not fail them. We have a reputation of hosting world class events and the recent successful hosting of the Fifa World Cup bears testimony to our expertise and world class infrastructure.

Just during this one weekend, there are numerous top class sporting events that are taking place in the province which has once more proven that our province can successfully pull off the many big events at once. To name a few: The blue bulls VS Griquas Rugby Match, the Monster Motor Sport Spinning and Drifting and the Standard Bank Pro 20 International South Africa VS Zimbabwe as well as this skateboard event.

Let us enjoy the skateboarding event Let us aspire to become World Class players.

I thank you

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