Modern, Growing, Successful Province

Premier Motivates Matrics 2011

Motivational speech by the Premier of the Northern Cape, Mrs Hazel Jenkins, to the Matric Class of 2011, Emang Mmogo, 30 June 2011.

It is a great pleasure for me to address the matric class of 2011 and as a former teacher myself; I understand the pivotal role that education plays in the formation of our personalities and the achievement of success.
The overall vision of the Northern Cape Provincial government is to provide quality education for all and the subsequent mission is that all learners in this province should acquire the knowledge, skills and values required to lead fulfilling and happy lives and consequently become contributing members of the South African community. It is at our schools were we are first taught the value of academic success and the importance of one’s skills development.

Programme Director, all of us are agreed that South Africa requires an expanding pool of quality educated skilled young professionals who can contribute meaningfully to the socio economic advancement of our society.
As the Provincial Government, we made a steadfast commitment that the education of our children will enjoy top priority in advancing the current socio-economic status of our Province.

Our education sector has striven hard to be a confident, competent, achieving sector, one that provides young people with the tools to take full advantage of the opportunities presented by a growing and progressively transforming democratic South Africa.
Our message to young people is: you can succeed despite difficult circumstances, poor backgrounds and humble beginnings. Through sheer hard work, commitment and determination nothing can prevent you from achieving your full potential and your dreams. Visualise your dreams and be willing to put in time, energy and sacrifices to realise your goals. Do not be distracted by unwanted interferences from focusing on the important task of studying to become successful in life.

The education that we receive from our schools will certainly allow us to benefit tremendously from it, which will in turn shape our personalities to ensure that we become responsible citizens in life. Whatever path you take, you should always be true to yourselves. You must at best use your energies and talents to the fullest to achieve your goals and dreams.
Remember, that hard work and sheer determination will unlock the doors of success for you. Today you are students; tomorrow you will become employees and employers. You have to bring your principles into your life, no matter who you will be in future and what your life will be like. Always remember the people who contributed to your education and be grateful.
Live each day like it’s your last day. A saying we have all heard before, but few of us have actually given it any thought.

Living each day like it’s your last:

* Forces you think about your priorities
* It forces you to quit the things that waste your time and energy to concentrate on the most important things and people in your life,
* If you live that way you make better choices, you treasure each moment and suck the life out of every hour,
* It removes the clutter and garbage that so often chokes our lives.

YOU CAN MAKE LIFE BETTER. That is one of the beautiful things about life. You can make your life better. You have total responsibility for what you do and how you respond to the fact that life is hard. As the cliché goes:
“If life hands you lemons, make lemonade.”
YOU ALWAYS HAVE CHOICES” No matter what situation you are in, you have a choice. No matter how bad things are, you have a choice. No matter what you think you can or cannot do, you have a choice.
Esteemed learners, acquiring the Senior Certificate represents a very important qualification to a better world and opening new doors and opportunities. With the matric certificate you as learners will have the option of going to a university or further education and training (FET) college.
The government is committed to stimulate and sharing the Northern Cape Provincial Economy. But it can only happen if we have young people who are equipped with relevant skills and knowledge, to help build the province and country at large. Therefore we need all of you to do well and achieve even better results than all of your previous examinations, and continue your studies in university or college.
Please, you must remain focus throughout the year; be confident in your ability; concentrate intensely on your books; and make us all proud at the end of the day.
You must remember that the government, your parents, families and all our communities love you and support you. The entire education community is standing by you as you prepare to acquire the most important certificate of your lives.
Education and progress are closely related endeavours. The secrets of success of the developed nations lie only in their educational system, specially the quality of their education. To realize the dream of a prosperous and developed South Africa we have no other alternative but to shake off the slumber of ignorance and to spread knowledge in every nook and corner of the country
We are confident in our system of education and more importantly we have faith and confidence that the Class of 2011 will overwhelmingly exceed our expectations. Be assured that we will support you every step of the way when you will write the important year end examination in a conducive environment underpinned by peace and calm.
Esteemed learners we are living during the most exciting times of our lives and at a time when our country is blessed with the most amazing possibilities and opportunities. We sincerely encourage you not to miss these opportunities but the grab them with both hands for the successful creation of a brighter and prosperous South Africa.

The Northern Cape Government and in particular the Provincial Department of Education fully supports our matric class of 2011.

* We believe in you and your abilities.
* We have high expectations of your performance
* Use the time to pass your matric productively and keep contact with and associate with like-minded peers.
* Be focused on your studies and believe in your abilities.
* Work out a clear study program during the examinations.
* Manage your time well and maintain a calm state of mind throughout the year.
* Be part of a study group and learn from your peers.

In closing, our Schools are geared to assist in preparing young people for our inclusive democracy. Young people must learn to be responsible members of society through what they are taught at school and through their experience of education. We must ensure that our education teaches positive values to our children, so that they learn the power of respect, respect for teachers, for peers, and particularly respect for girls and women. I wish you to be successful and remember your school which gave you a start in life.
Once more, do well and make us proud and please note that funds are available through the Premier's Bursary Fund for those of you who will do well and achieve good results at the end of the year. Good Luck!

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