Modern, Growing, Successful Province

Launch of the Integrated Substance Abuse Prevention Strategy

>>Download Substance Abuse Pamphlet

>>Drug and substance abuse prevention strategy launch speech by the Acting Premier Ms. Grizelda Cjiekella

>>Global Actions for Healthy Communities without Drugs

>>Launch of the Integrated Substance Abuse Prevention Strategy


The scourge of substance abuse is a real threat to the sustainable livelihoods of communities and has the potential to undermine developmental efforts that are articulated in the Growth and Development Strategy of the Northern Cape, which has as its vision “building a prosperous, sustainable, growing provincial economy to reduce poverty and improve social development”.

Substance abuse is the leading cause of crime and contributes to poverty, dysfunctional families and communities, the burden of disease, injury and premature death.

The problem in the province has reached critical proportions, with studies showing a very high incidence of this scourge and the devastating impact it has on all sectors of society, particularly young people. The strategy is the response to a clarion call by the provincial government to adopt an integrated and holistic approach, by bringing together all sectors of society, to combat substance abuse and its associated social risks and consequences, in order to build safer and healthier communities and to improve the quality of life of its people.

The main aim of the strategy is to

Use supply reduction measures to curb the production, manufacturing and distribution of drugs, thereby promoting safe and drug free communities
To reduce the demand for substances through prevention and early intervention programmes,with a view to discouraging the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs and promoting healthy lifestyles
To reduce the harm associated with substance abuse and to mitigate its health and psychosocial impact by providing holistic treatment services for affected individuals and families

The strategy has been approved by the Provincial Cabinet and will be launched by the Acting Premier of the Northern Cape Ms Grizelda Cjielkella on the

DATE : 21 JUNE 2012
TIME : 10H00

We would like to invite parents, families, communities, the faith-based community, community based and non-governmental organisations, labour business and all sectors and the media to join us in this important campaign to ensure a substance abuse free society.

Issued by Conrad Fortune
Manager: Communications
Department of Social Development



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