Modern, Growing, Successful Province

Premier Ms Sylvia Lucas at the launch of the Water Treatment Works Project

Remarks by the Premier Ms Sylvia Lucas at the launch of the Water Treatment Works Project, Hopetown

Air Jordan

5 December 2014

Programme Director
Honourable Minster of Water and Sanitation, Ms. N. Mokonyane
Honourable Deputy Minister of Water and Sanitation, Ms. P.Tshwete
Members of the Executive Council
Mayors and Councillors
Distinguished Guests
Ladies and Gentlemen
Community members

It gives me great pleasure this morning to celebrate with you the launch of this Water Treatment Works Project. This project will assist in eradicating the water shortages and supply much needed water to the communities falling under the Thembelihle Municipality.

On behalf of the Provincial Government, I would therefore want to express our sincere gratitude to the honourable Minister and her team for their commitment and hard work in ensuring that we are able to overcome some of our water challenges in the Province.

This to me is a demonstration of this ANC-led administration’s desire and dedication to improve the quality of life of our people and to make sure that everybody bears the fruits of our democracy.

Despite being by far the most water scarce province we have managed to reduce the percentage of households without access to piped water drastically over the last 20 years. With the result, more than 90% of households in the Province have access to water inside their dwellings or in their yards;

I am confident that the new water supply system will ensure not only easy access to water, but, an efficient and a regular water supply system for the whole community and surrounding areas.

Die reg tot water is ‘n basiese menslike reg. Deur hierdie projek wil die Regering weereens ons verbintenis herbevestig dat elke mens die reg op toegang tot veilige drinkwater en sanitasie het.

Toegang tot skoon water is nie net 'n basiese behoefte van die mens nie, maar dit is 'n noodsaaklikheid om alle vorme van lewe in die wêreld te onderhou. Ons vergeet dikwels baie maklik hoe heeltemal afhanklik ons van water is. Die mens se hele oorlewing is afhanklik van water.

To this end, water scarcity and lack of access to water by the poor are among the main obstacles that hamper full enjoyment of a quality life. Our daily lives revolve around the necessity of water. From the moment that we wake up to the end of our chores each day, we do many things in which water plays a critical role.

Programme Director, access to water and construction of water infrastructure, is essential in the drive to ensure a sustainable supply of water to meet social needs and support economic growth. Water is also a catalyst for the growth of the key sectors of our economy such as the energy and transport sector.

I want to appeal to this community to conserve water by using it sparingly because it is clear that we can do nothing without water. Water is in fact life and we need to do our bit to preserve this natural and valuable resource.

I thank you.


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